Saturday, July 26, 2008

Parades and things

So today was the town parade. There are times when I really love living in a small town and weekends like this are one of them. Sitting on the sidewalk this morning I wanted to start singing the Cheers theme song. Knowing everyone's name is nice...

Even though I do like it here much of the time and I really love the people, I really struggle with staying here because while everyone knows me and I know thier name, I really don't KNOW anyone here. It's hard to live in a bubble and not have anyone to hang out with that aren't under 18 and over 80.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


If anybody has cable or satellite and has the Planet Green channel I would like to encourage you to take a look at the series "Greensburg." Lots of sermon illustrations and a look into the dynamics of a small town :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Joy of Technology

Kids do funny things when put in front of a camera. My best friend and her kids came over this afternoon. The smallest joys are great: conversation, laughter, dogs, food and a camera. The camera is where the technology comes in. Videos are always fun and now that you can use your still digital to take them, its great! The kids of course think they are stars. Both my friend and I hung back and let the kids and dog run the show. After all, don't they say never work with kids or animals, right? All in all, a great Friday afternoon!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back Home

I am back home and back to work. Actually I am glad to be back and settled for awhile. I am glad to have set-up this support network before getting back here. Thanks for your support. Now back to finishing bulletins and sermons!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun and Feelings

You may start to ask if all my blog titles will start with "F" and I hope not, but it does seem to be a trend :) Thank you all for your great support and encouraging comments on my first post, this is pretty fun!

Currently, I am at a school for pastors and it is really nice to be around my own kind, so to speak. There are some really old friends who helped me realize my call to the ministry that are here, and it has been great catching up and recognizing the full extent of who I am.

Self-realization is good, but it is really hard at times to. This week really has helped me own my feelings and stop burying the by putting everyone else's needs before my own. However, now the hard work of digging myself out of the hole begins.

But for now, I am content that I got to watch the lightning bugs tonight, play poker with good friends and now listen to the rain fall. Life is good :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


So, I have finally taken the leap into the blogosphere! You will quickly not that spelling is NOT one of my strengths and therefore God gave us spell check on the 9th or 10th day :)

Okay, something about me...I am a young, single pastor living in the mid-west trying to make it when there is no support around. I love my congregation, but it is really hard emotionally to stay up.

Currently I am on Study Leave and practicing self-care by starting this anonymous blog. So, will see how it goes as I shoot it off into cyberspace!