Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun and Feelings

You may start to ask if all my blog titles will start with "F" and I hope not, but it does seem to be a trend :) Thank you all for your great support and encouraging comments on my first post, this is pretty fun!

Currently, I am at a school for pastors and it is really nice to be around my own kind, so to speak. There are some really old friends who helped me realize my call to the ministry that are here, and it has been great catching up and recognizing the full extent of who I am.

Self-realization is good, but it is really hard at times to. This week really has helped me own my feelings and stop burying the by putting everyone else's needs before my own. However, now the hard work of digging myself out of the hole begins.

But for now, I am content that I got to watch the lightning bugs tonight, play poker with good friends and now listen to the rain fall. Life is good :)


Iris said...

Blessings, SP! These are important learnings and realizations. We simply can't do it all.

Crimson Rambler said...

and welcome to the blog-o-sphere!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogworld. There are several days a week... that I would like to start my blog title with "f" words... oh wait... just a very specific "f" word. As a pastor I probably should drop that word from my vocabulary... but I was a "real" person a lot... lot.. longer than I've been a pastor.

I'll stop by again soon!

Di said...

Isn't it wonderful to have support and peers? I'm so glad your getting this opportunity.

(Also, I love fireflies. My husband jokes that when I'm really happy, my butt lights up.)

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Trying again...

Welcome, SP! I was wondering if you live near me since I am also a small-town, small church, midwestern pastor--however it did not rain here last night and we don't (sadly!) have many lightening bugs.


Blessings on your way.

AND LOL at Mrs.M.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the blogosphere! i too am experiencing my first time as full time pastor. it's definately overwhelming (at least to me!)

i relate to pk's comment about a specific "f" word and since you haven't used it doesn't that mean you're off to a terrific start!

i look forard to coming back for a visit!