Friday, August 8, 2008

Lectionary and Turtles

I am unabashedly a lectionary preacher because it both challenges comforts me. However, the lectionary elves this week made it really hard! I have been preaching through the Jacob stories using the idea of family, but for some reason the powers that be skip the resolution of Jacob's story with Esau. Granted, Jacob already wrestled with God, blah, blah, blah...but really some human reconciliation would be nice.

So my choices are Joseph if I want to stay with the OT or the great story of Peter and Jesus walking on water! I guess my other choice would have been just to continue with the OT with no worries. But the problem is I want to preach everything! I am thinking that this is probably an issue of a relatively new preacher.

And now for a confession and a brief eulogy to a turtle. Last evening I was not paying attention and by the time I saw the big turtle near the middle of my lane, it was too late to veer around and he was gone. I feel really fact I began weeping. Poor turtle just trying to get out of the recently formed puddles and I ended his life. I know that my weeping was linked to deep issues and not all because of the turtle and because of that I would like to thank Mr. Turtle for giving me a reason to "breakdown" and cry.


spookyrach said...

We all need those turtles sometimes. :)

Sooner Pastor said...
